Dear hosts, I’m packing my bags, getting my team ready and making sure I have an umbrella because I’m heading to London to the FREE Host 2019 conference which will take place on October 31 and November 1st. If you’re on that side of the pond or you want to take a trip, you still have time to get your free ticket and attend.
Listen & Subscribe via iTunes The Airbnb Open… No More?
I miss the Airbnb Open. It was a great conference that Airbnb did for three years in a row. Unfortunately, the last one was in Los Angeles in 2016. Yeah, that long ago, There are other conferences like VRMA, Vacation Rental Women’s Summit and many more. We live in such a bubble that’s it’s fantastic when we can come together, discuss and learn what is going on in our industry.
A New Conference is Born
The Host’s 2019 conference has been designed to teach us, the rentalpreneurs and holiday rental operators, how to make money from our homes, navigate pitfalls, choose the best partners, and learn from leaders and pioneers across the industry.
It’s also surprising that it’s a free conference, so they’re expecting over 3,000 people to attend.
I was honored to be asked to be part of this first conference; and I’m presenting a new talk, From Brains to Booking: The Science-Based Approach to Surprise and Delight Your Guest. In today’s market, how can we stand out and differentiate our vacation rental? It’s science, dear hosts, science; and that’s what I’m going to share in my talk. You want to be there to hear all about it.
All the Conference Details:
Here is all the important information:
Host 2019 Conference Link
Connect with Oliver Hannaford via Linkedin
Or call Oliver at +442070921065
Dear hosts, I hope to see you in London; and if not, be sure that I’m going to tell you all about it here on the podcast and in the Facebook Group, The Hosting Journey.
Remember we have to continue learning, growing and expanding our knowledge in this ever-changing industry
The Hosting Journey Facebook Group
Host 2019 Conference Link
Connect with Oliver Hannaford via Linkedin
PS: Want more…
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