
Best Toddler Climbing Toys and Jungle Gyms

Best Toddler Climbing Toys and Jungle Gyms

These best toddler climbing toys and jungle gyms, especially ones that can be used indoors and outdoors, are the perfect toys for an energetic toddler. Instead of climbing on furniture, your toddler can enjoy climbing up and down these fun structures. Introducing any one of the best toddler climbing toys and jungle gyms into their play space can be a great way to help your little ones build up their motor skills and enjoy a more active playtime.  Still, with so many options to choose from, deciding which one is worth spending your money on isn’t always an easy task....

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Kilter, Moon, Grasshopper & More: Interactive Climbing Training Boards Explained

Kilter, Moon, Grasshopper & More: Interactive Climbing Training Boards Explained

Knowing how to safely use Standardized Interactive Climbing Training Boards can make you stronger and add more fun to your gym climbing routine. As the long-awaited debut of Olympic climbing draws near, the sport’s popularity continues to grow. This surge is no surprise to anyone who’s experienced the uncommon assortment of benefits climbing offers. New climbing gyms are popping up in all corners of the world, and many cities now offer multiple facilities for local enthusiasts to choose from. As of 2021, Denver has nine. Climbing’s rapid rise has coincided with a slew of game-changing innovations in training methods and...

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The 7 Best Apps That Teach Kids How to Read and Write

The 7 Best Apps That Teach Kids How to Read and Write

Technology makes learning more intuitive and accessible for everyone. With the right apps, learning can become more exciting and entertaining for a child. Not only that, but since mobile apps allow learning to happen anywhere, they are great tools for families who have busy schedules. Reading and writing are essential skills for every child to learn, so a lot of thought and care goes into creating apps for efficiently imparting these skills. Let's take a look at some of the best Android and iPhone apps that can help you teach kids how to read and write. 1. LetterSchool Image Gallery (3 Images)...

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12 Websites for Digital Books Summer Reading

12 Websites for Digital Books Summer Reading

At the beginning of the 21st century, the definition of digital equity revolved around the provision of a digital device to every student. Usually, that meant desktop computers, iPads, and laptops, either in small groups or 1:1. As digital equity discussions matured and hyperbole became reality, educators found that those loudly-touted digital devices often became paperweights. The reasons were varied (teacher training, infrastructure, and professional support to name a few), but one of the most prominent was money. Good intentions to give all students access to the world’s knowledge were derailed by the cost of the websites and webtools that made...

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Yuri Suzuki composes soundscape for electric cars that adapts to the driver

Yuri Suzuki composes soundscape for electric cars that adapts to the driver

Pentagram partner Yuri Suzuki has developed a new family of sounds for electric vehicles that hope to replace the "monotonous and annoying" noises made by conventional cars. Proposed as part of a research project, the soundscape includes two new artificial engine hums that change in pitch depending on the speed of the car, as well as a range of in-car sounds for everything from indicating to starting the ignition. These are adaptive and change based on the location, time and activity, creating an interactive experience reminiscent of a video game, in which different actions elicit different auditory feedback. Top video: Suzuki...

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