Osaka’s Hotel Games isn’t just full of board games, it is a game!

Osaka’s Hotel Games isn’t just full of board games, it is a game!

All lodging and no play make guests dull people.

There are a lot of cafes and bars that offer a wide range of board games to keep customers entertained, and you might even be able to find a hotel that will lend out a box of Kerplunk or deck of UNO to guests on occasion. Hotel Games in Osaka’s bustling Namba area, however, takes things one step further and really immerses guests in board games.

Anyone can enter the hotel and enjoy their collection of 130 types of board games from Japan and around the world in an all-you-can play format for 3,250 yen (US$25) per person on the Playable Porch in the second-floor lobby. They even have a board-game sommelier on hand to give recommendations and instructions for unfamiliar games to help visitors find their new favorites.

But for the full experience, it’s advised to check into one of their many types of rooms. Standard board-game friendly rooms come in styles for all ages and can fit up to five people so you’ll have enough players to meet all games’ requirements.

▼ Kids rooms are very kid-friendly

▼ There are also rooms with terraces for open air games

For a more interactive overnight stay, there’s also a Werewolf Murder Mystery Room. Despite the name there are actually several murder mystery games to choose from, with only most of them featuring werewolves.

Guests can even go beyond their rooms and play the eight Hotel Games games built into the facility.

▼ A video tour of Hotel Games

In Coin Hunt, players must hunt for coins… Many of the best games are ones that don’t require a lot of explanation.

In Overnight Mischievous Werewolf our lycanthrope friends are taking a break from murder and playing harmless pranks on guests. Each guest gets a card to perform an act like “put a fork in a fridge” or “hang three hangers from each other” and must do the task so that the others don’t notice it until the next morning.

When visiting the Hotel Games, you’ll also notice a grid with numbers outside each elevator area. This is for players of the Elevator Guessing Game. When a lift is coming simply jump on a square to guess how many people will get off and crush your opponents with predictive power. It also feels really nice to get off an elevator and have someone cheer at your arrival.

All hotels are known for their pictogram signs, but only at Hotel Games do they take on a life of their own and escape from their two-dimensional confines. Find them all and be crowned the champ of Hide and Seek Pictogram.

Those are only half of the special Hotel Games available. There’s also the Dice Challenge, Drink Riddle, Additional Rules for Your Trip, and the Secret Room which is a hidden room filled with treasures that guests must find by solving a series of mysteries.

▼ I just hope the treasure isn’t a cop-out like “friendship” or something

Even the front desk is done up in a style of the Japanese card game hanafuda and the wall pattern changes every month.

It’s certainly a building so full of fun it’d be hard to get any sleep, and with its convenient location in downtown Osaka, there no shortage of entertainment outside too. You can even try to solve the nearby mystery of the hidden train station cafeteria, if you dare…

Hotel information
Hotel Games Mimaru Osaka Namba Station / ボードゲームホテルMIMARU大阪 難波STATION
Address: Osaka-fu, Osaka-shi, Naniwa-ku, Nipponbashi 3-6-24

Source: PR Times via Netlab
Images: PR Times
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