Discover the Top 3 AI Meeting Notes Apps & Never Miss a Detail Again! (2023 – Updated)

Discover the Top 3 AI Meeting Notes Apps & Never Miss a Detail Again! (2023 – Updated)

AI meeting notes

Looking for a tool to help you take AI meeting notes? 

In today’s fast-paced and interconnected world, meetings have become an integral part of our professional lives.

Whether it’s brainstorming sessions, project updates, or strategic planning discussions, meetings serve as the foundation for effective collaboration and decision-making.

However, despite their importance, meetings often suffer from inefficiencies that hinder productivity, including time-consuming note-taking and the risk of information loss.

Enter AI meeting notes, a groundbreaking solution that is revolutionizing the way we capture, organize, and leverage meeting content.

Powered by advanced natural language processing (NLP) algorithms, AI meeting notes have emerged as a game-changer, enabling professionals to focus on active participation rather than being bogged down by the tedious task of transcribing meeting discussions.

What can an AI meeting app do?

Using an AI meeting app can greatly improve your team’s productivity during meetings. Here are a few ways AI can support you:

  1. Schedule and organize meetings: An AI meeting assistant can help find suitable times for meetings and send out invites to participants.
  2. Automatic recording and transcription: The AI assistant can record meetings and provide instant written transcripts, saving you the hassle of taking notes.
  3. Automated meeting notes: The AI assistant can generate meeting summaries automatically, highlighting key points, action items, and decisions made.
  4. Tracking decisions and action items: The AI assistant helps keep track of important decisions, highlights, and tasks assigned during meetings.

Now that we know how AI meeting notes can boost your productivity, let’s explore the top three AI tools available in the market today.

1. Airgram

Airgram is an AI meeting assistant that aims to simplify meeting management and note-taking processes. It utilizes advanced natural language processing algorithms to transcribe and summarize meetings, providing users with accurate and actionable insights.

Key Features of Airgram:

  • Real-time transcription: Airgram automatically transcribes meetings in real-time, capturing all the spoken content accurately.
  • Action item tracking: It identifies action items and tracks them for easy follow-up, ensuring accountability and task completion.
  • Meeting summaries: Airgram generates meeting summaries, condensing the key points, decisions, and action items discussed.
  • Integration with productivity tools: It seamlessly integrates with popular productivity tools like project management platforms and calendars.
  • Customizable settings: Airgram allows users to customize settings to match their preferences and organizational requirements.
  • Searchable meeting archives: Users can easily search and retrieve past meeting content, including transcripts and summaries.

Pros of Airgram:

  • Time-saving: With automated transcription and meeting summaries, Airgram saves time and eliminates the need for manual note-taking.
  • Enhanced collaboration: Its action item tracking and integration with productivity tools promote seamless collaboration and task management.
  • Accessibility and searchability: The searchable meeting archives enable easy access to past discussions and information.
  • Customizability: Users can personalize Airgram settings to align with their specific needs and workflows.

Cons of Airgram:

  • Dependency on accurate audio input: The effectiveness of Airgram relies on clear audio recordings for accurate transcription and insights.
  • Limited offline functionality: Airgram may require an internet connection for certain features to function optimally.


You can try Airgram for free or upgrade to one of their pro plans for $8.99/month or $17.99/month. 

2. Otter AI 

Otter is a powerful tool for transcription and collaboration that assists teams in capturing and summarizing discussions during online meetings.

It seamlessly integrates with popular video conference platforms such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet. Additionally, Otter enables users to import and transcribe pre-recorded audio and video files, expanding its versatility and usability.

Key features of Otter include:

  • Real-time live captions during online meetings for Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet.
  • Automatic generation of meeting transcripts and agendas.
  • Manual highlighting of important items within the transcript.

Pros of Otter

  • Ability to transcribe and analyze pre-recorded audio or video files by simply uploading them to the Otter platform.
  • Live captions during online meetings facilitate the manual selection of important sentences.
  • OtterPilot feature allows capturing presentation slides and incorporating them into meeting notes.

Cons of Otter

  • Limited language support as it currently works only in English.
  • Absence of automatic summarization of meeting notes, although it provides a high-level agenda for an overview of the discussion.
  • Time-intensive searching may be required to find specific information within the transcript.
  • Compatibility limited to Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams.


Otter offers two paid plans: the Pro plan starting at 16€/month and the Business plan starting at 29€/month. They also provide a free plan with certain limitations on features and meeting minutes.

3. Sembly 

Sembly is a comprehensive virtual meeting platform that aims to enhance collaboration and engagement during remote meetings. It provides a range of features to facilitate interactive discussions and streamline meeting processes.

Key Features of Sembly:

  • Virtual meeting rooms: Sembly offers customizable virtual meeting rooms where participants can gather for meetings, presentations, and discussions.
  • Interactive tools: It provides interactive features such as virtual whiteboards, polling, and Q&A sessions to foster engagement and participation.
  • Screen sharing: Sembly allows seamless screen sharing, enabling presenters to share their screens and collaborate on documents or presentations in real-time.
  • Integrated audio and video conferencing: It offers integrated audio and video capabilities for clear communication and face-to-face interactions.
  • Meeting recording and transcription: Sembly allows users to record meetings and provides transcription services for easy reference and note-taking.
  • Agenda and meeting management: It offers tools for creating and managing meeting agendas, tracking action items, and setting reminders.

Pros of Sembly:

  • Enhanced collaboration: Sembly’s interactive tools and virtual meeting rooms facilitate active participation and collaboration among meeting participants.
  • Seamless communication: The integrated audio and video conferencing features ensure clear and effective communication during remote meetings.
  • Meeting customization: Sembly provides customization options for meeting rooms, agendas, and interactive tools to match specific meeting requirements.
  • Accessibility and convenience: Participants can join meetings from anywhere with an internet connection, making it convenient for remote teams.

Cons of Sembly:

  • Learning curve: Some users may require time to familiarize themselves with the platform’s features and functionalities.
  • Reliance on internet connection: Sembly’s performance depends on a stable internet connection, and disruptions can impact meeting experience.


Sembly provides a range of pricing options to accommodate different user needs. They offer two paid plans and one free personal plan. Here are the details:

  • Individual Plan: The individual paid plan is priced at around 10€/month. It offers a set of features tailored for individual users.
  • Team Plan: The team paid plan is priced at around 15€/month. It provides additional features designed to support collaborative team environments.
  • Free Plan: Sembly also offers a free personal plan, which includes a limited set of features. For example, the free plan allows audio uploads of up to 2 hours per month.

How to decide which AI meeting notes app is right for you? 

Choosing the right AI meeting tool can significantly impact your meeting experience and productivity. Here are some key factors to consider when deciding which AI meeting tool is best for you:

  1. Meeting Needs and Features: Assess your specific meeting requirements. Consider features such as real-time transcription, automated note-taking, action item tracking, integration with other tools, and customization options. Determine which features are essential for your meetings and prioritize accordingly.
  2. User-Friendliness: Evaluate the user interface and ease of use of the AI meeting tool. Look for a tool that offers a smooth and intuitive experience, allowing you and your team to quickly adapt and utilize its features without significant learning curves.
  3. Integration Compatibility: Check if the AI meeting tool integrates seamlessly with your existing communication and productivity tools. Compatibility with platforms like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet is crucial if you rely on these for your meetings. Ensure the tool complements your existing tech stack.
  4. Language Support: Consider the language capabilities of the AI meeting tool. Ensure it supports the languages you frequently use during meetings for accurate transcription and understanding.
  5. Pricing: Evaluate the pricing plans offered by different AI meeting tools. Consider the value provided in relation to the features and benefits. Compare the costs and limitations of different plans to find the one that aligns with your budget and requirements.
  6. Reviews and Reputation: Research and read reviews from other users or reputable sources to gauge the tool’s reliability, performance, and customer support. Look for feedback regarding accuracy, usability, and overall satisfaction.
  7. Security and Privacy: Examine the data security and privacy measures implemented by the AI meeting tool provider. Ensure they adhere to industry standards and protect sensitive meeting information.
  8. Trial or Demo: Take advantage of any trial periods or demos offered by the AI meeting tool providers. This hands-on experience will allow you to evaluate the tool’s performance and compatibility with your specific needs.

By considering these factors and conducting thorough research, you can make an informed decision about which AI meeting tool best suits your requirements, enhances your meeting productivity, and aligns with your overall workflow and preferences.

Wrapping it up

AI meeting notes have emerged as a revolutionary solution to the inefficiencies and challenges often faced during meetings. 

By leveraging advanced natural language processing algorithms, these AI-powered assistants have transformed the way meetings are conducted, capturing, and organizing valuable information with remarkable precision and speed.

The post Discover the Top 3 AI Meeting Notes Apps & Never Miss a Detail Again! (2023 – Updated) appeared first on Jeffbullas's Blog.

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