106 Of Hands-Down The Funniest Pics Of Cats From The ‘Cat Virus.Exe’ Instagram Page (New Pics)

106 Of Hands-Down The Funniest Pics Of Cats From The ‘Cat Virus.Exe’ Instagram Page (New Pics)

Cats own the internet, no questions asked. Their adorable nature, out-of-this-world cuteness, royal attitude, and indescribable logic make people obsessed with looking at their pictures online. Sure, felines can be mischievous at times and tend to come up with perplexing shenanigans to surprise their owners, but they’re still our favorite little goofballs on the planet who make sure we never get bored.

Need convincing? Just take a look at the 'Cat_virus.exe' Instagram account dedicated purr-ely to our beloved furballs and their weird behaviors. "Cat art museum," the creator writes in the description, and we couldn’t agree more. Over 437,000 feline lovers spend hours scrolling through their feeds to witness their favorite creatures acting so goofy that they almost seem "broken." But fear not — they’re just being their charming selves.

From striking unflattering poses to somehow ending up in the most baffling places, we’ve gathered the most entertaining posts from the page that are bound to put a smile on your face. So continue scrolling, hit upvote on your favorite ones, and be sure to tell us what you think about them in the comments. Keep reading to also find our in-depth interview with Sally Chamberlain, a UK-based clinical animal behaviorist.

Pspsps! If you’re in the mood for even more malfunctioning cat madness, check out Part 1 of this feature right over here.

#1 Thumbs Up

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#2 Ugh

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#3 It Hit Hard On Him

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Even though our feline friends have taken the internet by storm, their mysterious antics never cease to surprise us. Since we humans often have a hard time understanding these loveable creatures, we reached out to an expert in the field to learn more about their equally odd and adorable behaviors. "Domestic cats often seem aloof and independent, but this is because they are descended from solitary hunters of small prey animals, such as rodents and birds, and are territorial in nature," UK-based clinical animal behaviorist Sally Chamberlain told Bored Panda.

The founder of Karma Paws Pet Care and author of the book Power Of The Purr explained that these ancestors rarely came into contact with other cats, apart from mating and raising their young. Moreover, cats perceive the world differently from us and live on their own terms. "Some natural feline behaviors such as scratching and scent marking are usually frowned upon in a human household," she said. "But by being provided with appropriate resources and enrichment, cats can thrive and their humans can relax."

#4 What A Week, Huh?

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#5 Kinda Sus

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#6 A Mimir

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Another reason felines may seem odd to us humans is that they sleep a lot, often around 16-20 hours per day, Chamberlain added. "During waking hours, cats have a need to play in order to satisfy their hunting instincts. Interactive play with wand toys that have feathers or a fake mouse attached is often good for this. It is also important to remember that cats don’t naturally enjoy lots of physical contact unless they have gotten used to this from kittenhood, which is why some cats lash out when they are being petted because they feel conflicted."

Humans also find felines mysterious when they harshly react to our attempts to gently stroke them. "A lot of cats enjoy being sociable with humans but being touched too much can seem overwhelming," Chamberlain noted. "They may prefer short but frequent petting, especially around their head and neck area, rather than being fussed over for a long period of time."

#7 Noo Don't Flush It

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#8 I Have To Do Everything In This House

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#9 Polite

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When we notice our little pals acting weird, we immediately feel the urge to document their behaviors and share them with everyone online. What we sometimes fail to understand is that there could be a deeper meaning behind their strange actions. "When a cat or any other animal is behaving out of character, it is important to get them checked by a vet to rule out medical problems," the animal behaviorist suggested. "Cats will often try to hide how they are feeling because, in the wild, any outward sign of weakness could make them vulnerable to predators," she added. "Although they are a predator themselves, they are also prey for larger animals such as foxes and coyotes, depending on where they live."

#10 A Love Story Better Than Twilight

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#11 Don't Mind Me Just Planning Nefarious Things

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#12 Feeling S**ty

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But once you notice your cat acting strange, it might be a sign they are unwell or in pain. Then, seeking veterinary treatment should be the first port of call, Chamberlain noted. "They may not intentionally be trying to tell us something, but any change in behavior is a good indication that something is not right."

If the vet gives them the all-clear, she added that a review of the cat’s living environment must be carried out. This is to "ensure that they have all of the resources and enrichment that they need and there is nothing causing them any undue stress, such as seeing other cats through the windows or them not getting on with other pets in the household."

#13 Meowtini

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#14 French Cat

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#15 He's Back To Get Revenge

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The animal behaviorist pointed out another reason for their strange behaviors: felines sometimes simply act on their instincts. "Cats are highly intelligent, but their survival instinct will kick in if they are feeling unwell. They also have needs that should be met in order for them to feel relaxed and happy in their living environment. Depending on their behavior, it could be that they are feeling frustrated or stressed about something, which is causing them to act out of character."

To make sure we don't miss any alarming signs, Chamberlain explained how to understand when our cats feel safe and when they are in distress. "When a pet is happy and relaxed in their living environment, they will be eating, drinking and toileting normally and not showing any signs of fear towards the humans in the household. A pet that feels safe will be happy to interact socially and have normal activity and sleep patterns."

#16 Loaf Of Bread

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#17 This Is My Final Form

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#18 Yummy Yummy In My Tummy

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On the flip side, animals in distress will most likely spend their time hiding. "[They will] only come out when nobody is around to eat, drink and use the litter tray. They might also behave aggressively or fearfully if someone tries to interact with them or pick them up."

"More subtle signs of stress in cats include a hunched body posture, dilated pupils, 'pretending' to sleep to avoid interaction, urinating or defecating around the home and generally seeming subdued. They might also pace around and vocalize a lot or even try to escape through windows and doors," Chamberlain said and stressed that any changes in cat behavior require veterinary attention.

#19 This One Hits Hard

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#20 Splat

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#21 The Weak Should Fear The Strong

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If you’re interested in learning more about their perplexing behaviors, there is plenty of material that will help you arm yourself with knowledge. "When looking for sources to learn about cat behavior, it is important to ensure that they are credible, supported by science, and do not advocate any form of punishment. I would recommend doing some research about the authors to ensure they are suitably qualified, such as having a degree in animal behavior and being a Clinical Animal Behaviorist or equivalent." According to the expert, a couple of websites she could recommend are Cats Protection and International Cat Care.

#22 Angy

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#23 Don't Forget To Drink Water

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#24 You Are Weak, You Lack Hatred

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"Cats can form strong social bonds, but a lot of that is built on trust, and the more we make an effort to understand our feline companions, the stronger those bonds should become. Cats like to feel in control and have consistency and choice in their lives so if we ensure that their living environment is as feline-friendly as possible, the happier and more secure they will feel," Chamberlain concluded.

#25 What A Week, Huh?

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#26 Trust No One, Not Even Yourself

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#27 Im In

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#28 Has Science Gone Toofar?

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#29 For You

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#30 Halp

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#31 *sip*

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#32 Protected

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#33 Enjoying His Air Mattress

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#34 0 Stars. Hated It

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#35 Me And You

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#36 Just Chillin

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#37 Am I In Heaven?

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#38 Teef

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#39 Noo Dont Take Me Places, I Want To Stay Home

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#40 Happy 2022

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#41 Minecat

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#42 It Was This Size, I Swear

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#43 The Chances Of You Getting Killed By A Cat Are Low, But Never Zero

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#44 Saturday Chill

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#45 What A Week, Huh?

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#46 Got All That I Need

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#47 Chomp

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#48 They Are Growing In Trees Now

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#49 I Have No Idea What I Am Doing

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#50 Fresh

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#51 What He Buying?

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#52 U Got Any Games On Yo Phone?

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#53 Oh

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#54 Yikes

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#55 Witness My Power

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#56 So This Is How I Look Like?

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#57 What A Week, Huh?

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#58 Bamboozled

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#59 He Loves It So Much

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#60 What Is The Point Of Living A Life Like This?

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#61 I Guess She's Having Internet Issues Again

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#62 Um

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#63 I Would Be Scared Too

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#64 Got Your Nose

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#65 What Are You Staring At?

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#66 He Has My Vote

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#67 Flat

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#68 Potato

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#69 Baby Burrito

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#70 Nice Cut G

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#71 Tongue

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#72 Alive, But At What Cost?

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#73 Chomp

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#74 This Could Be Us

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#75 A Cat Of Culture As Well

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#76 Cheshire Cat

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#77 Another Kaiju Captured

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#78 Chomp

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#79 No Talk

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#80 This Could Be Us

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#81 This Could Be Us

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#82 Yeah, Whatever

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#83 The Last Thing You'll See Before You Die

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#84 What Crimes He Do Be Comitting?

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#85 Polite

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#86 Chicken

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#87 Stretch

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#88 Teef

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#89 Would You Leave Him For 1 Million Dollars?

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#90 Bamboozled

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#91 Sorry, This One Is Already Taken

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#92 Im Tired Of Waiting

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#93 Zoink

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#94 Who Gets You Smiling Like This?

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#95 What A Deal

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#96 This Could Be Us

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#97 What Is She Afraid Of?

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#98 E.t.

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#99 Mom Said It's My Turn

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#100 Pls Help

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#101 Surprise

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#102 He Dunkin

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#103 Chimkin

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#104 Stop Bullying Him

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#105 Bath Time

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#106 Cat

Image credits: cat_virus.exe

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